21 replies

  1. i want know everything about me


  2. How can we order your book “Mission to Earth” Light blessings


      • This is very personal and I don’t know what to do I lost all contact with the Pleiadians and there is a Pleiadian women that is “married to my higher self” as ashtar sheran stated I whould ask her this personal question but I cant. The Pleiadians were manipulating my sexual organs to induce “good feelings” to comfort me while they wher repaired my hurt stomach and my mind but when they left my mind and body my sexual organs have not worked right I don’t get turned by wemon as I am suppose to my sperm count is low to zero and I don’t think I can go to the doctor and tell him that ET’s broke me.. Ashtar said not to worry it will go back to normal during metamorphosis whats that mean I’m so worried I want to have baby’s… Please reach out to the Pleiadians that did the repairs if you can I whould not I know that’s a lot to ask of you I don’t have 200 dollars for a healing package I want to have children when I get older


  3. Love your page.


  4. Greetings Annamerkaba i recently listened to your Supermoon meditation , then i watched the beautiful visuals. wow simply amazing what is the name of the wonderful music playing in the background this will be my go to meditation for the next 21 days peace and blessings


  5. All is verry interessant…


  6. Very inspiring!


  7. Please accept my apology for typos.

    I salute you, and send my thanks for your service.



  8. Love and Light to you Anna, Beautiful Being xxx


  9. I am, Richard Harrison Ruport at birth, at eleven I became Richard Earl Anderson by law, today metamorphism Richard Urzel Anderson. hello all


  10. Is my comment really still awaiting moderation?
    Thank you,
    Jim H


  11. Hey, Anna. Not sure if you received some of my messages (since you mentioned to me not receiving at least one of them, and I’ve had email issues). In any case, I just wanted to say thank you, and love you. Take care.


  12. Im real im here find me take me home this world is corupted


  13. hello anna do you know about the 7 jehovian seals, the implants and when you perform the energy work it will last for two to three months


  14. Hi everyone =)!!!

    Good afternoon everybody.



  15. My name is Raoul Ngarambe, live in the Netherlands. My spirit has be awake for a while and this i know through abilities i didnt have/remember having. The whole experience is most confusing for I’m confused and lost for not knowing the purpose of all this and the continuity of my path. currently in a lot of pain, frustration and confusion due to lack of understanding and true connection by and with other humans. My life is on hold cause for lack of guidance. If anybody has been through a similar experience and/or has knowledge about the condition, any and all help would be very much appreciated. tel: +31685018774


  16. Dear Anna,
    I’ve been having some great trouble on my spiritual path and ascension. Is there a way you can please help me? Thank you.


  17. I would like to receive new posts via email when available.
    Thank you for your wonderful work.


  18. How do you book a session with yourself


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