Lesson 6 -And the Action Begins!- Let go, Release, Allow! – How to let go of the past – Karma Release – Freedom Journey Course

And the ACTION begins! Release, Let Go, Allow

Here is where you finally put everything that you’ve learnt thus far in this course into action. This is one of the most important steps that you will take. Following the video lesson you will begin the ACTION part of this journey and RELEASE, LET GO and ALLOW.

Please download the Inner Works Homework after watching this video. 

IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you have just found this course by landing on this page, please do not proceed further and instead click here to start this course from the beginning. It is highly important to start from lesson 1 and continue through each lesson in sequence. Please do not skip lessons. With each lesson you are being prepared for the next step.

Please begin by watching the video lesson below. Then read through the Innerworks Homework posted for you below the video. You can also download this information in PDF format on the bottom of the page.


Please note that because this is an incredibly important step, I am including all of the information that you have just heard in the video lesson. This is one THE MOST important steps that you are going to take on your Freedom Journey. It all begins with you, continues with you and ends with you.

YOU are the one that is creating your reality and only YOU can ever get rid of your own karma. Its an incredibly easy and yet debilitating hard thing to do, because when you are going to be going through this exercise you are going to be reliving all the traumas, all the unfairness’s, all the anger, and guilt, and fear of the past, BUT it’s a necessary process for you to go through in order to get to the level of health that you are seeking to get to

Imagine, harnessing the power of the crown chakra, with one beautiful handcrafted piece. The guardian of the violet flame, St. Germain, a beloved ascended master, guides the violet flame to the one that possess it. Saint Germain Violet Flame Disc – Opens 7th Charka, Assists Crown Chakra & Third Eye, Transmutes Negative Energy, Assists in Raising Vibration, Opens the Door to Higher Realms, Amplifies Communication with Guides. https://natalyaankh.com/collections/ascension-tools/products/saint-germain-violet-flame-disc


Find a quiet place, get a note pad, or sit by the computer, now sit down and breathe in deeply. Focus on your breathing and as you do so, begin remembering your whole life from the day that you were born.

Write down EVERYTHING about your life, all the negative experiences that you have ever had, just start writing them down. Allow everything to pour out of you, all the thoughts, all the emotions that you are going to go through, weather you believe that someone has done you wrong, write down all the negatives about that person, what do

you feel, and why do you feel that way. Go through each and every single emotion and keep writing it all down. You are probably going to find yourself crying, and that is good,

you need to release all of this pain that you have been carrying with you, that has been weighing you down all these years. If there was something that you wished to say to someone at that moment in time, you are going to need to release that now, speak out loud, pretend that that person is standing there and tell them all that you wanted to say.

This process may take you a few days to complete, or a few hours. Layer by layer you must write everything down, all of your pain and all of the emotions associated with this person or a situation.

Here’s one of the most important steps – FORGIVE – once you have released this situation you need to consciously analyze the reasons behind it, have you acted in some way to attract this situation to yourself, what was the other person trying to teach you. Try and remember and understand that even if the situation was dire there must have been a very valuable lesson for you in that situation, even if you perceive the person to be your “enemy” it is only a perception, as each of us comes into this life to teach the other person something and to be taught by others. Even if you think that another person was causing you harm, and even if they were, the point of here now is

not to keep holding on to this situation or feeling but to completely and utterly LET GO of it.

You need to consciously forgive this person. And to do so, you must understand deep in your heart that everything that we are going through here is an experience, that we are not enemies to each other, but teachers, helping our souls to ascend higher and higher. Some of us take on roles of “evil doers” and that is a very painful role to play, as mostly these people are disliked by everyone because they push us to do certain things that we wouldn’t have otherwise.

For example, how many times have you had an “evil” teacher or a boss give you a bad grade or yell at you at work, or push you, and how many times did their prodding and pushing create an environment from which you simply HAD to run, you HAD to do something to change your life, because what they created for you was a very sharp nail,

on which you no longer could sit. Sometimes the worst people on our path are the best thing that could every happen to us, as they push us in the right direction and teach us by doing so.

So it’s incredibly important for you to forgive them, NOT FOR THEIR SAKE, but for your very own, because whatever you think of them doesn’t matter to them. What matters is what YOU THINK about any given situation, and if you STOP DWELLING on the past, if you stop living in that moment of pain, but release the TRIGGER and move on with your life, you will no longer be plagued by these painful memories. Another example of letting go of the trigger would be you were dating someone, and you had a special song, you then had a terrible fight and broke up, say you loved that person at that time and

thought you couldn’t be without them, but you broke up, years went by and all of a sudden you found yourself listening to this song on the radio..

IF you did not deal with your emotions back then and did not let go of all the perceived pain and suffering that you went through when you broke up, that song on the radio will start to tear you apart again. But should you have let go of all the painful emotions and simply looked at it as a very interesting experience that you’ve had that propelled your soul further you would then have listened to this song and either not paid attention to it at all, or had a bitter sweet smile on your face remembering the past for a moment, being grateful for that experience and moving on with your day without being paralyzed with anger, sadness and self pity.

All of these are just simple examples of what each of us goes through each day, but it’s important to apply this to your own experiences at all times.


Once you write everything down and release each and every single situation from your psyche its’ time to wrap it up. DO NOT RE-READ what you wrote. NEVER REREAD IT. You do not need to keep going through these experiences, you need to do this one time and fully release yourself from everything. Start with age 1 to present and keep going and never look back. Once you are done and there is no longer anything left in you.

The next step is to print out this information if you have typed it up on your computer (deleting it as soon as you print it) or collect your papers and go to the next step:

Now that you have all the papers in your hands, the next step is to repeat the following words after me.

“I am deleting these emotions, feelings, acquired emotions and feelings from my life, now and forever more, now and forever, without any judgment for all involved, without any fear, for fear does not exist only love exists.

I am sending these words into the light for healing and transmutation, for healing and transformation, for healing and love, and to the father and mother of all of the creation to the source of all that is, and in return I ask to be blessed with abundance on all levels, love on all levels, peace on all levels, gratitude on all levels, and everything else I wish and stand for and believe in.

For I am pure for I am the violet flame, for I am love, for I am perfect, for I am powerful, for I am love itself, and goodness itself. For I am loved and loved I am.”

The Goddess Vortex – Sun Disc – Helps to Release Pain, Activates Solar Plexus, Helps to Soothe Digestive Track, Balances out Emotional Body, Transmutes Negativity, Activates Creativity, Uplifts, Upgrades, Activates and Purifies DNA https://natalyaankh.com/collections/ascension-tools/products/the-goddess-vortex-sun-disc


BURN THEM. Now that you have expressed your intention the next step is to fully let go of these feelings and emotions in relation to everything that you have projected onto the paper. Take these papers and set them into your sink then light them on fire, if fire gets out of hand you can always splash water on it in order to stop it. As the papers burn, keep thinking that you are releasing all of this anger, frustrations, misunderstanding, jealousy, greed, fear, all the negative emotions are being cleansed out of you, and that they are being transformed by fire and taken into the light where they will be cleansed and returned back to you as joy, happiness, prosperity, love, understanding, humility, balance, harmony, passion, abundance.

Once the papers finish burning, you will have only ashes remain, black ashes throw them out, you can burry this in your back yard or simply toss them into the garbage, as this pile of dirt no longer belongs to you. You have completely been cleansed out of everything, and there is nothing stopping you from truly connecting to your true beautiful self full of only love and light.

Now wash your hands and take a shower. It is highly important for you to take a shower following this ceremony to allow the water to carry away all the debris on the energetic level.

However the cleansing and purification process does not end there. You will feel a tremendous relief once you do the exercise above. But there will always be more to cleanse. Its important to understand that healing and remembering are not an instant thing. It took us years upon years to build these layers around our auric and energy field and it will take us some time to release all of these patterns.

This is the reason that we have covered various healing vibrational remedies in previous lessons. If you feel that you are being overwhelmed by emotions please refer back to the lessons on vibrational remedies.

You may want to download a PDF of what has been covered here today below:

Sending all of you lots of love, happiness, health, and light!

~Anna Merkaba – is a Channeler, Lightworker, Healer and Messenger of the KEYS to help YOU on your journey of awakening to your true self! For more channeled messages to help you on your journey of self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – 


A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpres



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  1. Anna Merkaba: Freedom Journey Karmic Release Course (13 Weekly Lessons – REDUX) | Forever Unlimited

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