
I have come from the stars, and this is my first time incarnating as a human on earth. I was born with all the abilities that I now have when I was a child I was able to heal people, see things that others have not, communicate with the angelic realm and other places and much more, due to the way our society is structured I had to hide my abilities from the world, put on a mask and pretend to be someone I wasn’t, then when I’ve finally managed to push my true essence into a box that was very convenient for others to carry around I got very ill, I was dying, nothing was helping me, all medicines failed to work I’ve had nothing left in me and I let go and said I’ve had enough (you can read about my experience here) suddenly i clearly heard a voice calling my name and telling me what to do to get better quickly. Miraculously I was healed very shortly and have re-discovered what I was able to do when I was a kid. Channel, Heal and much more. I am an intuitive channeler, medium, psychic, healer (reiki and otherwise), and a portal for the human race. I strongly believe that EVERYONE here on earth can do what I do, it’s just laying dormant until a moment in time when you will wake up, believe and allow.
 Love and Light to you all.


pointed star of David is a highly intuitive star… the pointed star of 
David is
the star to which you belong, and you are being guided to follow the path of
the six pointed star.. the love and the unity between a man and a woman… each
is merging and so is your soul and the different parts of the soul and the star are
rising and uniting and melding into one


62 replies

  1. Thank you for being here Angel ❤


  2. Anna I just discovered your wordpress site. Oh I love it! I am not crazy at all, it is real. There are words that I keep on hearing that I have heard myself in my head…..oh thank you!!!! I have only read a bit and need to study and understand things further but the way you say things…….oh I know I was meant to find you and read of your experiences. I have been giving someone out there in invisible land a terrible time and he in turn has been coming in heavier and heavier with me, he terrifies me at times, he is very powerful and he wants me to listen to him and stop falling down in to a deep dark bottomless pit of despair and anxiety. Time to pick myself up and dust myself off and get on with it……why even bother trying to comprehend what is going on…..if you can do it, I can at least give it a go and listen, it beats the boot I get each time I argue. No way will I ever fully comprehend and no way is he going to back off….so I shall go with the flow..


    • Awww Star Dust!!! Thank you so much for stopping by! You can most definitely do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING!!!!!! And NO YOU ARE NOT CRAZY!!!! What you hear inside your mind, as long as it’s of a positive nature, something that uplifts you.. or if you hear something along the lines of “Star Dust… it is time for change” then its the good guys talking to you… you will feel their presence, the presence of your guardian angels and your star family. This could also be your twin flame ;).. it all depends on the energy that you pick up.. next time you hear him speak.. please ask “what is your name.. whom am I speaking to.. what is our relationship to each other?” and listen for the answer, whatever you get that is the true answer. Do not fight it.. 🙂 Embrace it 🙂 ❤


  3. Awesome to meet you and thank you:D


  4. LOVE your SOULful blog, Anna!
    What a DIVINEly INspiring journey you have had….so ONEderful to read Your wisdom.

    Have liked your fb page & recently added you as a fb friend as well.

    And I have added your blog to two of my blog listings on my Anima Blue Oasis blog.

    Much Love & Gratitude for Your INspiring and WONDER-filled blog.

    Bright Blessings of Light & Love to you,
    Anima Blue 🙂 ❤


  5. hi anna,
    I don’t even know how to explain this..I had a dream a few nights ego..it was like a ship I’ve seen 4 spiral lights swirling forming kind of a square..was like a hallway and a ”person” translucent invited me in..I was not afraid or maybe just a little but I was surelly very excited..I was holdind my 2 year old son’s hand and followed the ”person” inside..in the back it was someone that I asure is ok to come with us it’s gone be ok.I DON’T RECALL ANYTHING ELSE.I’m obssesed with this dream.. please can you explain this to me..don’t know why but I just feel the urge to go back there…please answer me..love thank you..

    Liked by 1 person

    • Alina I can relate to your dream,I have had similar dreams,The Federation of Light say we are very busy in our dream state,the beings you discribed sound like beings they have spoken about,these beings are of light but they can make themselves a body so as to be seen 🙂


  6. Hello dear earthstar angels in joy and harmony! Good to be docked together in Oneness and blessed unity! Peace Be Still!


  7. Thanx Anna for reminding me of my own powers I also had from childhood.
    All my life on this planet I felt alienated, now I know why!
    Some lifeshocking experiences helped me to re-discover who I really am.

    InLakesh! 🙂 ❤


  8. Welcome to our planet Anna,

    We appreciate very much your assistance in lifting up our vibrations.
    It is tough if you are not used to our dense realms, but by now I think you have acclimatised very well.

    Thank you for shining your light.


  9. Not sure yet what my purpose is but I feel like a baby learning from scratch. I keep being drawn to topics as this and I fully understand part of it. However, there is a part of me that is perplexed and where do I fit in?


  10. What a great site !


  11. Anna querida….sou brasileira. Entendo e falo muito pouco inglês, estou aprendendo!!! Foi atraves de um casal de amigos que cheguei a este espaço maravilhoso e tão cheio de energia positiva. Eu e meu marido temos passados por grandes dificuldades. Ele foi educado em uma religião muito rígida aqui no Brasil, a Adventista. Eu, no espiritismo. Graças a Deus não temos divergências quanto as nossas escolhas religiosas. Nosso problema é outro!!! Nos amamos intensamente!!! Foi assim, em busca de palavras edificantes, de leitura que me levem a acreditar que ainda existe uma Luz no fim do túnel, é que encontrei você!!! Não sei se você vai entender o que escrevi, mas quero que fiquei registrado aqui a minha admiração por esse trabalho que tem ajuda a tantas pessoas e que, com certeza, irá me ajudar também!
    Paz e Luz, querida Anna!!!


  12. Hi Anna,

    I’ve worked for a psychic who also says he knew very early on his special abilities. In your experience, what can the rest of us do to unlock what you’ve allowed to flourish? PS: I’m having a great time exploring your site, it looks lovely!



    • Dearest Susan, I wrote an article on how to communicate with your guides, that should be a first step for you.. although truly the #1 thing is to TRUST your own self, the universe and all there is, as for details on what I have experienced, I would need to write a book 🙂 perhaps one day soon I will have an opportunity to do so 🙂 ❤


  13. I hope that you no longer feel a need to hide.
    It is however a common feeling here in our world.
    We all tend to hide much of what we feel and think.
    We do the best we can then in spite of this handicap.
    Blessings Anna;
    ~ Eric


  14. Thank you for sharing your gift and embracing it. There was a reason I wss guided here today. My dreams are becoming vivid and speaking to me about changes in my life and my own ego getting in the way. I can feel the powerful energy shift and am working to open my heart and be who and where I need to be to find my purpose.

    I have 2 children who are both psycically gifted..my daughter especially. She can see and communicate but is scared and tries to block it out and ignore it. I tell her it is a gift. We were blessed to have a medicine woman who came to help her recognize her gift and meet her ancestoral guide. My daughter is in her early teens now and refuses to even talk about it. She refuses to sleep in her own room where she met a spirit who had not crossed over. The medicine woman and ny daughter s counselor at the time..helped the girl cross.

    I guess it just feels good to talk about it and know it is all about the spiritual awesomeness that us coming about. I thank you again for sharing.


  15. Mil Gracias, por todo lo que me envías, es un material muy impotante para seguir creciendo.- Un abrazo de Luz.-


  16. I’m so happy that a friend turned me on to your site last night! You have so much timely information here and I am reading it all. I stopped at the pharmacy this morning and got some iodine! I’ve already had my first dose. Thank you so much for your presence on Earth. Love, Ginny


  17. Hi sister I share your story your not alone. It is time for us to be the loving light that we are.
    Gob blessings are ours
    Life Into Light


  18. I want to join your page or be friends and receive your post, can you tell me how to friend you?


  19. Hello I want to know if you could share with me more about the universe. I have learned that we are the true Avatar and we are all masters but some fallen angels have been blocking all the knowledge but we are awakening. Can you share more? Could you read more about my past reincarnation ? Also how do we ascend when the portal opens? I’ve heard it will happen in 2016 🙂 Love & Light ❤


  20. Thank you so much for loving humanity so much that you have chosen to share with us so much wonderful information!!! Thank you thank you thank you


  21. I seriously want to read and consume the information contained within. Namaste 😇❤


  22. Hi Anna…I reading about your distant healings and watching one of your videos and a few minutes later I had areas on my body worked on…whats interesting is that it felt like I payed for a session in a parallel universe or something…or in the future and was being worked on now…we indeed are living in a multi-dimensional universe with multiple realities happening at the same time….thanks for your energy.

    P.S…your Awesome…:)


  23. I absolutely love what you do, thank you


  24. I am here ❤ It has taken a lifetime. It is truly a new reality.


  25. Synchronicity of events, personal, worldwide, and the universe have come into focus. Now I see. ❤


  26. I saw this star in a semi conscious state one night before i even knew what it was, I thought it was the Merkaba!


  27. Thank you Anna, I to have a very similar soul path as yourself. Thank you. You are loved!


  28. Would love to meet with you my beautiful d daughter is in desperate need of help


  29. Dearest Anna,
    I was guided to your site, and to be honest up until the last week did not believe in anything. I always felt as if something was off with myself but lacked the understanding. I did not even know what a twin flame was until now. My twin passed last month, he knew the entire time and tried telling me but I couldn’t believe, which now I see. Something always kept us apart, although we did meet years ago, we went our separate ways and reconnected a few years back through phone calls and letters but I had married a soulmate, which now I know is different. My entire life I have felt his presence and always sensed my thoughts not entirely my own. It is weird feeling this way, I have often thought I had delusions but now I understand, well somewhat, I am still learning things. I met my flame when I was young, around 11 yrs old, It was a brief meeting out of nowhere and again at 15, I could never get him off my mind, we tried dating but family circumstances would not allow this and we parted ways, there was much manipulation over the time apart and was told he had passed in 2006, which partially correct, he had been resesitated although I had not been made aware. I married in 2010, we both have had very troubled lives and felt it in my best interest to move on. A few years later, I discovered he was in fact alive, he told me he knew where I was for most of the time, but had disappeared for a bit, and felt I wanted nothing to do with him, which is how I thought he felt of me after finding he was alive. We got in contact again due to a mistake I made while calling my niece, I misdialed the number and connected again. I have never replied to those I do not personally know, which is kinda strange to me, but am supposed to tell you this. He is with me now and while I am no longer saddened I still need help understanding everything going on. Thank you for all that you do, most the time I feel lost but have been lead here time again this week.


    • Dearest Lisa, Thank you so very very much for sharing your amazing twin flame journey with all of us. Thank you for opening up your heart about what you have experienced. Your story will assist many in their own journey. And most importantly thank you for living your life. For shining your light onto this world and enjoying each step of the journey. xoxox ❤ and a BIG HUG! ❤


  30. Dearest SiStar, HeartToHeart we Are, ThankYou for Being here.
    All Is Well, muchLove to you and ALL.


  31. Thank you thank you thank you!! For sharing your self and showing your light and radiance and love!! 💓💓Soo glad to know that you are here on earth!! I cannot explain in words that how much I love your presence


    • Dear Malti, Thank you so much for your love I am honored and humbled to be a reflection of you on this planet 🙂 What you see in me, is what you see in yourself! And I thank you for your presence as well 🙂 ❤ xox


      • hello um when i scheduel for a distant healing session and you do the report do i need to send you a picture so you can see and know whats wrong with me after i discuss what problems am i having


      • Dear Johnny, yes I will need to know all of this information. Once you make a payment I will be in touch within 24 – 72 hours to set up a session for you and give you more details ❤


      • thank you for replying um I have another question im sorry um okay they said about the rainbow body correct um they said that when your chakras are cleared do they mean when all the seven chakras are open and aligned together correct


      • im sorry um okay they said about the rainbow body correct um they said that when your chakras are cleared do they mean when all the seven chakras are open and aligned together correct and do you know about the 7 j seals and the other implant like the cell death program and the crown of thorns


  32. Anna, please help to advise.. my Sister flat rented out for more than 10 years and recently when the tenant move out, there are souls stay there and giving some problems and causing some accident to people enter the house.. I do not know how fierce is the soul/souls and need to clear them away.. can you help to advise ?
    Many blessing
    Teh (Singapore)


  33. Hello Anna,

    your website is very interesting. I am glad to hear your return after a long absence. Thank you for sharing the inspiring messages. Do you still offer personal readings? Thank you. 🙂



  1. Cobra Insists Comet ISON Is Perfectly Ordinary | Deus Nexus
  2. 4 Gates of Consciousness – Akashic Records | Deus Nexus
  3. Another Wave of Awakening is Coming | Deus Nexus
  4. Divine Manifestation Portal – The Hathors – Lion’s Gate via Anna Merkaba – Earth Embers
  5. Central Sun Energies: Menhirs, Pyramids, Symbolic Tech and Multi-Dimensional Activism | Shamagaia
  6. MOSAICO: Co-Criação Benevolente da Matriz da Nova Terra – Libertação do Eu – Transformação da Consciência Coletiva – A Chave para a Iluminação | CARMEN ARABELA

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