~Sirian High Council – The State of Human Affairs – Update!~

sirianhighcouncilannamerkabaThe unification of your known world is unfolding rapidly within your sub conscious. The resistance from the without is slowly being escalated, the resistance that you are all witnessing in your present reality, the newly formed galactic consciousness of your collective awareness is being resisted by those that are not finding the new reality structure to their liking. The resistance is escalating and shall continue its upward spiral for the duration of the next three months of your earthly reality.

For the duration of the next 6 weeks you are going to witness rising in what you understand to be the violence in your world. For the energies that are affecting you, our galactic brothers and sisters are indeed affecting all who dwell on GAIA.

Here is a video of this message

The new understanding of reality which is being delivered to all through the heart codices is causing much resistance in many earthlings, for many energetic shifts are indeed occurring within their vessels of time and space.  And so, the inner knowing of their hearts is clashing with the outer reality of their being, causing internal struggle, or what you have come to know “the dark night of the soul”.

The conflict within, the Armageddon within is what is driving these souls to step outside of their own selves and joint the collectiveness. The collectiveness which is in the vicinity on their being.

What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds, is that the violence that you see unfold rapidly on your planet is nothing more than an internal clashing of forces from the within and the without. The energy that is being generated by the internal struggle within the vessel of time and space is seeking to be released, akin to a volcano. And so, once the eruption has taken place, the energy released from their vehicles shall then settle in your atmosphere. Which will prompt many of you to take action, for YOUR action shall be needed in order to fully cleanse the earth’s atmosphere from the “debris” of this eruption. YOUR light and YOUR energies shall come into full activation allowing you to utilize the violet flame and the golden particles of the Source to recalibrate the ambience of your known world, making way and aligning humanity with the new understanding of peace and harmony.

And so and thus the energies that you are perceiving form your human perspective unfolding rapidly on your planet, with the rising of the conflicts which you are witnessing through the media of your time, are nothing more than a cleansing and recalibration effect of the changes that are upon you. For once again the “eruptions” must take place in order to drive the deep seated energies to the top, allowing them to be transmuted into light, love, peace, harmony and understanding.  We know that comprehending such statements is difficult for some of you, as the old paradigms has not yet left your earthly vehicles of time and space, and so, let us reiterate and explain.

The energy that is being generated by aligning of two polarities, the internal and external realizes in the energetic boom, which explodes through the volcanic eruption of the conflict. Spilling into the atmosphere, whereby it is cleansed and purified and is being returned to its’ pure state of energy, being returned to oneness, being returned to its neutral state of being, whilst the energy has been force fed through the vortex of the internal state into the vortex of the external epidermis of your creation.

What we are trying to say is that through chaos you are to see order occur, and through order you are to see chaos occur up until such moment as the order becomes chaos and chaos becomes order, stabilizing the energies, and releasing all that does not belong in the present understanding of your reality. Up until the moment of balance and equilibrium that is to be charged through seemingly endless chaotic state of earthlings at this moment time.

We ask you to continue shedding your light and love, we ask that you collect all of your light energies that are being directed at your vessels at this time and prepare for an incoming influx of changes which are about to once again rapidly explode and unfold on your planet in the course of the three months time of your earthly state of time continuum.

And so and thus, you shall begin to see various peace junctions, peace negotiations take place suddenly in the midst of the war and violence, which shall halt and a new course of reality take place step by step. For the events that have integrated themselves into your present reality are being anchored, and major historical events of the past are being re-aligned with the new now moment of time.

And so, the phase of purification and purging continues to be in effect until further notice. Once again we ask that you take heed of our words and utilize all the incoming energies to your advantage. As the energies must be stored in your vehicles, preparing you for the events of stabilizing factors of your creative selves rapidly unfolding on your planet.

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.

saintgermainvioletflametransmutationdiscP.S. Atoms are mostly empty space. The empty space between the nucleus and the electrons is where negative energy

and karma can become stuck. When the atoms in our bodies and auras become clogged with this negativity, the electrons whirl slower and slower, and we begin to resonate more with negativity, and less with light – we have a lower vibration, and become less spiritual.

The violet flame transmutes this negative energy. It does not simply surround and remove the energy, but transforms it into light. Because there is less density within the atom, the electrons whirl faster and faster, thereby raising your vibration.

When you have a higher vibration, there is more spiritual energy in your body. Acupuncturists and yogis know that optimum health comes when this spiritual energy flows freely throughout the body. The violet flame frees up this energy and re-establishes harmony and equilibrium, propelling you into a more spiritual state of being.

Natalya Ankh with the assistance of St. Germain has brought the Violet Flame to life through the Saint Germain’s Violet Flame Disc. To learn more about this handmade, one of a kind, ascension power tool please click here: http://www.metaphysicalascensionpowertools.com/product-p/st.-germain-disc.htm

If you need any personal assistance via a healing session, you can reach out to me atwww.SacredAscensionMerkaba.com to set up a distant healing session with me. I also invite you to visit my blog for more information to help you on your journey.

annamerkabadistantenergyhealerCOMPREHENSIVE ENERGY HEALING SESSION & ANALYSIS WITH ANNA MERKABA :This is a DISTANT Healing Session. Each session takes 60 – 90 minutes to complete, furthermore much more time is spent on putting together a report which is guided to me by the angels, there are a lot of details involved, this is an elaborate healing session. This is not just an energy attunement you will be bathed in loving light from the angelic realm using reiki like universal energy throughout the session, and a few days following the session, many issues will be corrected, and you will also receive much needed guidance after the session of what you are to do on your own. The energy will continue to be released for the following 2 – 3 months.

Here is what you will be scanned for and if any of these are found or need to be removed/unblocked/

  • Removal of Achorns/Grays/Dark Entities (If there are any)
  • Removal of Implants
  • Cleansing the Aura
  • Removing blocks from the chakras
  • Activating Chakras
  • Activating the Pineal Gland
  • Activating the energy flow throughout the body with Kundalini Energy
  • Sealing the rips in the energy body
  • Connecting the heart chakra to the third eye
  • Scanning of the body to determine if there are any major issues to be aware of
  • Cleansing the blocks within the organs should there be any, and if it is possible to do so, or if there is more that needs to be done.
  • DNA Upgrade
  • Rainbow Healing Light Invocation
  • Past Life Contracts Clearing/Cords cutting (if I am allowed to proceed by your higher self) This is NOT karma removal. NO ONE can remove your karma, except for you, that is if you have karma. Not everyone does, as people misunderstand what Karma is.
  • Past LIfe Visions – ( If necessary to understand why you are going through what you are going through, I will be shown your past lives, this will help you determine the reason as to why you are experiencing that which you are)
  • Scanning of your chakras, correction of energy flow and further recommendations directly from your guides as to what you need to do further
  • You will also receive further recommendations on what you are to do on your own to SEAL in the new energies flowing your way and to assist your own self further without the constant need to come back for more and more healing sessions. However, should you feel that you do need a healing attunement, or there are some issue that need more work you are welcome to come back for another session.

To learn more about this session and hear what others have to say about it please visit:https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/merkaba-distant-energy-healing-session/

pdfdownloadableversioncoverP.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/books/

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna
and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEILhttps://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.


16 replies

  1. thank you Anna,,its like calling home just to say Hi and find out how things are
    send you Love, Peace ,Harmony and Laughter


  2. All your messages are extremely of Love. Thank God you are here with us in a body. Bless you, bless Sirians. My gratitude.


  3. Thank you. You lift me from darkness to light and oh, i am so enjoying this ride


  4. Amada annamerkaba mais uma vez viemos agradecer por seu exemplo que muito nos inspira em amor, paz, fraternidade e generosidade.

    Que os corações se unam agora, criando uma intensão formadora de atitudes amorosas definindo um mundo em que todos seremos iguais.

    Fique em luz!

    Enviado do Email do Windows

    De: Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – Secrets of the Universe
    Enviado: ‎sexta-feira‎, ‎22‎ de ‎agosto‎ de ‎2014 ‎18‎:‎42
    Para: almirconsultordemoda@gmail.com

    annamerkaba posted: “The unification of your known world is unfolding rapidly within your sub conscious. The resistance from the without is slowly being escalated, the resistance that you are all witnessing in your present reality, the newly formed galactic consciousness of y”


  5. I felt that message. I had no more than began reading when I teared up.
    Thanks Anna.


  6. I love reading through a post that can make people think.

    Also, many thanks for allowing for me to comment!



  1. Sirian High Council – The State of Human Affairs – Update! ~By anna merkaba on August 22, 2014 | Forever Unlimited
  2. Anna Merkaba – Sirian High Council – State of Human Affairs – Update – 8-23-14 | Higher Density Blog
  3. samkaska: Sirian High Council – The State of Human Affairs – Update! ::: Beginnings, Endings & Closure ::: sharing | obassi2011

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