Period of Releasing Past traumas… how to RELEASE these emotions and cleanse yourself.

Dearest Friends. Since all of you know that we are currently in a time period where all sorts of past/present feelings and emotions are coming up for healing and transformation. I have found myself in such a state and of course appealed to the highest of the high for help. Once again it was suggested to me to write everything that was bothering me, that I was feeling down, and then destroy these words. And before destroying the papers with all the feelings, the angles said that I should use the following words. So I am sharing them here with you. If you find yourself in such a situation. I suggest you write everything down and then before destroying the paper read the following aloud :

“I am deleting these emotions, feelings, acquired emotions and feelings from my life, now an forever more, now and forever, without any judgment for all involved, without any fear, for fear does not exist only love exists. I am sending these words into the light for healing and transmutation, for healing and transformation, for healing and love, and to the father and mother of all of the creation to the source of all that is, and in return I ask to be blessed with abundance on all levels, love on all levels, peace on all levels, gratitude on all levels, and everything else I wish and stand for and believe in. For I am pure for I am the violet flame, for I am love, for I am perfect, for I am powerful, for I am love itself, and goodness itself. For I am loved and loved I am.”

I hope that it helps many of you to release whatever emotions you may be feeling if they are not of a positive nature, so that you may deal with them once and for all, or many times over, if they keep coming back.

Good luck! 🙂 Love & Light to all of you!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Categories: Health & Wellbeing

9 replies

  1. said the mantra and felt better right away! 🙂 thank you!




  3. thank u much
    ❤ ❤ ❤ O:-)


  4. Thank you ever so much for this post Anna..

    Much Love


  5. Thank you for this!


  6. 🙏🙌💛🙌🙏💞😇



  1. Emotional Component of Clavicle Issues « Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – Secrets of the Universe
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